As a caring home owner, you should always be keeping on top of the maintenance of your home. Different seasons will require you to look after different elements. Even as a Melbournite when you’re used to getting 4 seasons of weather on any given day!

To make things easier, at the start of each season, we will give you a list of the types of work you should be doing during that season, to stay ahead of the need for big home maintenance works.


During the season of Winter, your main focus should be on damage control in areas that may be subjected to an abundance of water, rain and dampness.

When Melbourne’s world-renowned cold weather starts to once again kick in, you want to make sure that the exterior of your home is doing what it was made to do and keeping the elements out effectively. And you want to make sure your paintwork and windows are safe for water penetrating into timber or finding its way into your home. We strongly recommend that any balcony renovations and waterproofing are done at this time to ensure damage is not exacerbated by the weather.

old cracked paint on wooden boards

Look around your home for cracks within the paint, and especially in the corners for the window sills. These are usually the first areas where rot can set in, and since it only costs you a little bit of time to go to your local paint store, get a paint match and seal the weathered cracks, then you’ll straight up be saving yourself much more time and money than allowing rot to take hold within, resulting in costly repairs later. If you’re not confident in doing this work, you can always call a tradesman to take care of the work. Regardless of the cost, it will always be the case of “a stitch in time saves nine”.

Also, always ensure your gutters are clean and that you don’t have any leaking or rusted out gutters, as this will just create more damage around your home.


When it hits Spring, be on top of cleaning up! Plants and trees are about to shoot up and grow, so make sure there is plenty of space around your windows so that when they get wet, they will get enough wind and sun to dry them off in a timely manner, this will help prevent the paint cracking and eventually wood rotting and thus window rot.

If you want to spruce up your garden and plant new trees, this is going to be typically the best time to pull out your green fingers!

When the weather clears up, if you’re able, its a great time to get up on the roof and check all your roofing tiles, silicon seals, flashing etc for damage, and ensure that it is kept in good working order. When it rains, this is your home’s main defence from extreme water damage.


Summer is the best time to hit up large projects, such as painting or installing drainage systems. Rains are less likely to affect work, so it’s the perfect opportunity to finish projects around the house, such as repainting work, converting garages, or just painting the entire house.

bricklayer installing brick masonry

Typically summer is also the best time to build an extension on your house, so get your planning hats on when winter is finishing, so that you’re ready to get dirty when the suns out!


By the time Autumn hits, you need to get ready for Winter weather again and ensure that all your gutters have been cleaned, and plants aren’t overgrown too close to windows.

Now that we’ve discussed what maintenance to do during every season, you’ve got no excuse to relax on your home maintenance efforts. If you’d prefer to have a handyman take charge of this for you, call Aspect Renovations and schedule regular maintenance checks for your home to prevent costly repair work in the future.